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Reporting style/Move Event Issue

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:52 am
by Ashok

I need to make a slider on TFT screen for that I need to get a move event coordinates and have to display slider accordingly.

I am having issue in getting move event while scrolling the slider.

I am using change reporting style function

The touch reporting style
0 - No event reporting
1 - Down region events only
2 - Up region events only
3 - Down and up region events
9 - Down coordinate events only
10 - Up coordinate events only
11 - Down and up coordinate events
All other values are reserved

It only returns either up/down event when I set the reporting style either 9/10/11 but it never returns with move event that is having the value 2.

The return message I get is:
252 135 00 05 00 x y //00 for down event
252 135 00 05 01 x y //1 for up event
but never
252 135 00 05 02 x y //2 for move event

I need to move slider and wants to get scroll position for that I need to get move event reporting please tell me the solution.


Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:09 pm
by Clark
Hello Ashok,

Unfortunately, it looks like we have an error in the protocol manual, as you can see in the reporting style description, move events are not reported at this time.

The best option I can think of at this time for a slider would be to use down/up reporting in coordinate mode. Unfortuantely, it will only update once the movement is complete rather than the dynamic slide effect you are attempting.

I have asked our Engineering department to look into the possibility of adding a move response. As you may know it is available on our GLT line, but the GTT has a few more layers of programming that aren't working together right now. If we can put something together you'll see it in the change log for one of our easy to install firmware updates.
