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Windows 7?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:55 pm
by xtrem
Any chance to get drivers for windows 7? (x64)

august pack didn't work. or at least could I get the beta drivers?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:57 pm
by Ray
The beta drivers? What makes you think we have any? After reading your post I created a set that should work with win7 but I still wonder why you thought we had them.

See PM for link, since they are beta (both the OS and the driver) I cannot stress enough how unsupported this is, and will be atleast until the win7 final is out.

Windows Seven RC

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 7:16 am
by hpc
Hi Ray,
I'm just purchase a GX Typhoon but the august pack didn't install on windows 7 ( x32 ) is it possible to get the beta drivers ?
Thanks a lot !

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 7:27 am
by Ray
I have to wait for the rc1 driverkit to become available for us which is hopefully later this week.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 11:50 am
by darrylk
Ray wrote:I have to wait for the rc1 driverkit to become available for us which is hopefully later this week.

Any chance you could add me to the list? I'm working on a Windows 7 64-bit installation.


Windows SEVEN

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 3:33 pm
by hpc
Have you got some news about the driver GX Typhoon for windows 7 :(

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 5:43 pm
by Ray
you can grab the RC driver here its just the driverpart though you still need the august software pack for the rest of the software. And it comes with a huge disclamer: do not try to install on vista will cause issues especially with sp2.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:49 pm
by slavearm
I got the driver installed, and it looks like drivercore is running, but I cannot get the display to say anything except for "GX" I have tried restarting drivercore and in device manager the device shows up properly.

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Retail.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:28 pm
by slavearm
I am reposting this here since it makes sense for anyone trying to geth windows 7 going.

1. Boot into safe mode with networking.
2. Uninstall Any Drivercore or other Matrix Orbital Product you have installed
3. Check the task manager and make sure everything LCD or Drivercore is not running
4. Use Regedit and delete anything Drivercore or Matrix Orbital
5. Delete the current c:\program filesx86\Matrix Orbital Drivercore folder (or wherever you installed it)
6. Download and install drivercore_build_97 (I don't have 99 but that might work also) It will complain about not being able to start the service in safe mode, but that is A-OK
7. Download the Windows 7 driver (can be found in the forum here) and extract it to a temporary folder.
8. Open the c:\program filesx86\Matrix Orbital Drivercore folder then open the drivers portion
9. Create a new folder here called old, and move all the files in the drivers folder to the old folder EXCEPT gx_irbus.inf
10. Go back to the folder you extracted the windows 7 drivers to and then go into either the x86 or x64 folder as appropriate for your system (x64 = 64-bit x86=32 bit). Highlight all the files here and then right click and copy
11. Go into the c:\program filesx86\Matrix Orbital Drivercore\drivers folder again and paste the files here.
12. IF your display is already plugged in go into device manager and locate your GX. Right click go to properties. Click Update Driver. Don't let it search automatically. Tell it the files are on your local PC and then point it to the c:\program filesx86\Matrix Orbital Drivercore\drivers folder. Click next and then it should update the drivers.
13. Reboot
14. Open LCDStudio and select your display. YAY!

I should note that I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 RTM (the same thing you will get in the box when you buy it at the store) and that I did an upgrade from Vista Ultimate x64. Your process may be slightly different, but hopefully this helps.

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:50 am
by mrpayne
Now that Win7 is officially out when can we expect a complete release of drivers?

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:24 am
by Ray
You can grab the RTM driver part from here for now, we hope to have a complete package up in the next few weeks.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:04 pm
by chuckk9032
Ray wrote:You can grab the RTM driver part from here for now, we hope to have a complete package up in the next few weeks.
Ray, is a Win 7 package available yet?

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:28 am
by Ray
Not yet we've been rather busy getting some other stuff out the door.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:08 pm
by chuckk9032
Big thanks to slavearm for posting the steps to install in Win 7. It worked perfectly, as long as the hardware is installed before the process is started.

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:09 am
by Aero-R
I've installed Windows 7 yesterday and I was looking for some info regarding the use of my MX412 under this O.S. before installing anything (so I've not used anything yet on this O.S. from the genuine CD that came with my display on its moment). At the moment my display is under the OTHER DEVICES category at the DEVICE MANAGER (as "MX4/MX5", so it's not totally recognized/functional).

My question is the next one: at the momet I'm on a totally stock O.S., no driver installation at all, no modifications. Should I follow the slavearm procedure for my MX412 or there's another method for this product? (I've done a few searchs, but regarding that, this one it the best thread I've found in the forum).

Many thanks in advance !