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GLK12232-25-SM : Auto repeat mode command

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:23 am
by rktech
GLK12232-25-SM supports keypad functionality. In that there is a command "Auto Repeat Mode On" to turn on Resend Key code mode or Key down/ Key up Code mode.

What is the difference between this two modes?
Actually I want to make an application such that If user just press key 'A' application will call a routine 'x' and If user keep pressing key 'A' for more than 3 second application will call a routine 'y'. So, How can I use Auto repeat mode in this case??

It is not explained clearly in Technical Manual of GLK12232-25-SM.
So, Please can anyone explain me Auto repeat mode and it's option in some more detail?? Or If you have any good documents for GLK12232-25-SM than please provide me link for it.

Thanks in Advance... :wink: