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Is the screen dead?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 5:25 pm
by cwharrad

I've owned this screen for awhile now (around 12months-ish) and I've never really got it working properly. Now I have some spare time, I'm going to try and sort it.

The screen in question is a GLK12232-25-WBL and I've bought the correct connection cables striaght from MO (imported to the UK). I've also tried it on both a USB to serial adaptor and straight into my onboard COM port.

Firstly, everything seems fine when using "mogd" software...

The problem essentially is that the screen does not like updating the inforation. I am thinking that due to the fact that mogd does not update the screen, there are no problems. Also, when a screen is first displayed by LCDC there's nothing wrong.

I've bought a new copy of LCDC and managed to setup a few simple screens (after working out the uploading font thing). It seems that the problem gets worse as you increase the framerate of the updates. At 2fps the problem is very minor, yet if I up the frame rate to 4fps, the screen is clearly in problems.

Any ideas?

I've taken a short video clip ----
although the camera's not very good - you get the idea.

Also, here's a few stills so that it's clearer to see...






Thanks for any help guys!!!