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LCD2041 on AB PLC5

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:17 am
by shroder300
I connected a LCD2041 to an AB PLC5 and it works great. I didnt change any of the default communication settings on Channel 0 except the baud rate(I used a PLC5/11 and there is only one serial port ch 0)

My settings were:

baud rate: 19.2k
communication mode: system (point-to-point)
bits per char: 8
stop bits: 1
no handshaking
no parity
bcc error detect

I did have to change the settings on the ascii options (channel configuration then select ascii(user as the communication mode))
I changed the termination characters to:
termination character 1: \0x0d 2:\0xff
append character 1:0x0d 2:0xff

change the communication mode back to system and then select ok.

attached is the sample program I used and the message strings I used. It was real easy to setup. If you cannot get the files please email me.