Law of the land

Read them before posting... and find out what new!!!

Moderators: Henry, Mods

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Posts: 3005
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2001 6:00 pm

Law of the land

Post by Henry »

No swearing, posting of "adult" material, personal attacks or "trolling", links or requests for "warez"

Matrix Orbital would like you and your whole family to learn and share via our forums. For this reason swearing and the posting of "adult" or offensive material is forbidden. Simply replacing some of the letters in a swearword with a * or any other character is not acceptable. If you must then please replace the whole word with ***** or other repeated character. We also expect members to behave respectfully and not launch personal or abusive attacks on other members. Those who post for the sole purpose of causing trouble are not welcome here and will be dealt with accordingly. Providing or asking for information regarding "warez", "gamez" or any other software protected by copyright is forbidden.

No posting Matrix Orbital order or returns queries

The forums are not to be used for the posting of existing order or returns (RMA) queries. These can often involve delicate issues such as failed credit card authorization and are best dealt with privately. Please contact the appropriate party:

Tech Support:

No exemption of the rules for Matrix Orbital customers

These rules are in place to ensure the Matrix Orbital forums continue to be a friendly place where members can learn and share information on a variety of computing and non-computing topics. You do not have to be an Matrix Orbital customer to be a member, but if you are there is no exemption to any of the rules because of that fact.

No slandering of Matrix Orbital

If you feel the service has not been up to your standards, please contact some one at the company directly and tell us of your problems and issues. This way we can improve our customer service and resolve any issues there maybe. Any out right slandering or bad mouthing Matrix Orbital is grounds for banning and deletion of the posts.


* This is a Matrix Orbital Forum, for Matrix Orbital products. We provide this forum for current and potential Matrix Orbital customers! Please respect this.

* If you require support, please provide the display, the software you are using and what the problem is. The more information you post, the better answers you will get!

* If you have something you wish to share with everyone and need hosting, please feel free to contact me.

* If you feel you are breaking a rule and it's not written down, you probably are.
Henry Jakl
Matrix Orbital

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