Display Artifcats

GTT TFT Support

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LCD Geek
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Display Artifcats

Post by Haz »


I have been working on a project with the GTT 7in display, using the GTT Designer SW, but having issues with the output vs. input.
I took pictures of the LCD display so you can compare the output to the GTT designer file which are also attached.

Artifact details:
1- Top left corner, there is a small box, not sure what it is. Seems like it is some hex is being sent as free text and displayed as boxes.
2- First window, there should be 3 dynamic labels which do not appear. If i change the labels and uncheck the Dynamic label box, then it works fine.
I have a custom font, I changed to the standard font, but did not fix the issue. It seems to be tracking the dynamic label checkbox only.

What is the preferred format of pictures here? png? jpeg, jpg, etc?

Can you please let me know if this is an issue with the way I set it up? Or is it a problem with my display? Let me know if you need additional files.
I am not sending anything over I2C. The display is connected via USB of Mass Storage only and power.

I have the latest version of GTT Designer, and just updated the firmware to the latest version as well.

Screen_PINEntry_base.jpg (92.51 KiB) Viewed 17092 times
MainScreen_base.jpg (107.34 KiB) Viewed 17094 times
output3.jpg (490.27 KiB) Viewed 17094 times
output 1.jpg
output 1.jpg (645.92 KiB) Viewed 17094 times
output2.jpg (662.12 KiB) Viewed 17094 times

Daniel Divino
Matrix Orbital
Matrix Orbital
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Re: Display Artifcats

Post by Daniel Divino »

Hi Haz,

The white boxes that are appearing on your unlock screen are due to extra "Null" characters being sent to the display. Do these extra boxes appear immediately on the screen, or do they appear once you enter an unlock code?

Your issue with dynamic labels may be due to font uploading issues. I suggest you try selecting a different font, like LibreCaslonText-Bold.

Finally, the GTT will be able to display .BMP, .GIF, .JPG, and PNG images, but .BMP images will load and display a little bit faster than other formats. The faster load/display time won't be perceivable if you are only displaying 1 image at a time, but it would definitely be apparent if you are continuously displaying multiple images consecutively over a long period of time.

Daniel Divino
Technical Support
Matrix Orbital

LCD Geek
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Joined: Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:52 am

Re: Display Artifcats

Post by Haz »


Thanks for the reply.

The white boxes appear when the screen loads. For testing, my project today is only load screen, then in the post-load, I execute a wait, then a navigate to another screen.

I have no other coding, and my host is not connected. Only connection is via USB for Mass Storage access and power.

Not sure if this helps clarify the first part of your question.

I will try other fonts to debug. Is there a way I can pre-load the fonts? The reason I use this font is it is a mustang-like font. So if I load it before the display refreshes, it might solve the issue? I am not familiar enough with the LCD to know if there is a way to doing that.


Daniel Divino
Matrix Orbital
Matrix Orbital
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Re: Display Artifcats

Post by Daniel Divino »

Hi Haz,

You can create a script that will pre-load the font prior to drawing data on the screen. On the right hand side of the Designer, under the Events tab, you'll be able to add a Pre-Load action. You can add a Pre-Load script that will load your Mustang font before anything is drawn on screen.

Please keep in mind that the Pre-Load script will execute before anything else is loaded/drawn on screen. This means if you intend on loading your font, you should give it a higher value ID, to make sure the font doesn't get overwritten/erased.

Finally, could you zip up your project file and send it to me? I would like to test it out to see which command specifically is causing the white boxes on screen. You can attach it to your next post, or you can send it to me through a private message.

Daniel Divino
Technical Support
Matrix Orbital

LCD Geek
Posts: 38
Joined: Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:52 am

Re: Display Artifcats

Post by Haz »

I just upgraded the FW to the latest, and the artifacts disappeared.

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