Running windows 7 and cant get this to do much!

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Running windows 7 and cant get this to do much!

Post by yt666 »

could someone explain to me why this product doesnt just work when itunes comes up?....Why the remote does absolutely nothing when i try to get media center to come up?....Or anything at all?.....I have used lcd studio and have found it to be a little lacking......I was under the impression when I bought this that I would be able to have a fully functional lcd for my workhorse build and now all it does is show me the time and a graph......if i run lcd studio it will show the things that i create but i cant get them to sync up with some programs....I.E...Itunes......WTF?....I just got out of the hospital after almost dying...2 weeks in ICU so now im sitting recouperating trying to get this thing to work and all its doing is making my surgical site hurt more because im getting upset.....I really want this to work well but it doesnt seem like this product was advertisied correctly....had i know I HAD TO CREATE THE APPS FOR IT......I WOULDNT HAVE BOUGHT IT......A little help.....PLEASE ....before I have another gastric attack/chrons attack and die this time!!!

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Post by yt666 »

Oh and I bought A temp sensor from frozen cpu (where I bought the display)....I dont know where to even plug it in!......And A 3 ft. EXTERNAL USB CABLE for AN internal case device????!!!

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got the remote to work

Post by yt666 »

But I still cant get the spectrum to work when i play music.......can someone please help me?

Matrix Orbital
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Post by Clark »

Hi yt666,

First up, if you have a condition where stress can seriously affect your health, maybe just leave it displaying that clock/cpu/matrix orbital cycle for a bit; seriously we don't want the GX killing anyone. However, with a little work and a bit of direction, it will be easy create some pretty wicked screens.

Running Plugins: the program must be running for LCDStudio to pick out the info. ie. iTunes info will not show until iTunes is running, the same for monitoring plugins like SpeedFan.

Spectrum Analyzer Effects: are done from the widget window, and as listed are only available for Winamp.

Temp Sensors: are not required for the GX, it will draw system information from monitoring programs such as SpeedFan or MBM.

External USB Cable: chosen as the easiest way to interface to the GX, and internal option is available for more advanced applications. This was seen as the least of all evils; pick the internal only and difficulty increases, pick both and the price goes up.

Below I've taken a screen shot of a pretty simple screen in LCDStudio, I'll go over it quickly here.

First: open iTunes, open SpeedFan

CPU Gauge (Top Left): drag in a gauge widget, re-size and set max to 100 in properties, drag in the CPU load

Temp Bar (Second from Top Left): drag in a bar widget, re-size and set max to 50 in properties, drag in the HD temp from SpeedFan

Mem Usage Chart (Third from Top Left): drag in a pie chart widget, re-size and set max to 100, drag in the mem usage %

Network Info (Fourth from Top Left): drag in bps in and bps out from network data, drag in TTF widgets and change text in properties

Clock (Top Right): drag in clock widget, re-size

iTunes Info (Bottom): drag in artist and name from iTunes current track data, drag the length in to the far right, drag in a bar widget, set properties left to right and re-size, drag position % from data onto bar

More info on LCDStudio: Check out LCDStudio and LCDStudio Forums for more info.

Quick iTunes and System Info LCDStudio screen
Quick iTunes and System Info LCDStudio screen
iTunes Test.png (9.2 KiB) Viewed 8487 times
Last edited by Clark on Tue May 11, 2010 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Troy Clark
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Matrix Orbital

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Post by yt666 »

hey clark....thanks for the info.....i still cant get itunes to work at all....the rest is up and running just fine.....I wish someone would post an apps pack for this would be mucho cool if there was either one for sale or free download....I see there is much you can do with this it is pretty limitless....but it is still a little rough for my taste......does anyone out there have anything cool that theyve done and are willing to share with me???!!.....otherwise I am now A lot more pleased than I was before for sure.........thanks buddy

Matrix Orbital
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Post by Clark »

No worries yt666, good to see you're getting a little more love from your GX.

For iTunes, do a quick check in the options menu to make sure the plug in is enabled. Failing that I'm running out of ideas.

Keeping in mind that LCDStudio is technically a third party program, you may want to check out their forums for some screen ideas; I found this little discussion for advanced iTunes info last night, it'll give you an idea of what else is possible with custom scripting.

Last edited by Clark on Tue May 11, 2010 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Troy Clark
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Matrix Orbital

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Post by yt666 »

im not following the scripting?.....where am i supposed to apply this?......Im frustrated that the one major program I want it for is not is checked off but when I drag and drop into lcd studio NOTHING comes up....its as if its not linked to itunes at all....remember Im running windows 7.....

Matrix Orbital
Matrix Orbital
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Post by Clark »

Hi yt666,

Don't worry about the scripting, that's just a taste of the type of insight you can find in the LCDStudio forums, it won't affect your current problem.

Unfortunately, I'm running XP here, and I see you have ensured the iTunes box is checked in the plugin window, the only other Windows 7 advice I can offer at this time is to run LCDStudio with admin privileges, if you aren't already. And again, even when dragging and dropping to create a screen make sure iTunes is running in the background, otherwise you will get empty boxes.

Troy Clark
Design & Development
Matrix Orbital

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