Brain fart with my VK202-24-USB


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LCD Geek
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Brain fart with my VK202-24-USB

Post by ehrnam45 »

Wow, I feel dumb. I ordered a VK202-24-USB about 6 months ago. I just got around to testing it out (been away on business) and I'm pretty sure I killed it. I powered down the puter, hooked up the USB and 12V power cable--I think that's where I screwed up--, powered on the puter, and it immediately shut itself off & wouldn't turn back on. I flipped the PSU power switch and disconnected the display, and the puter came back on. So I connected just the 12V floopy cable and turned on the puter. I then proceeded to plug in the USB to the puter and saw a neat little whisp of smoke rising from the display. DOH! WinXP still recognizes that it's installed, and it triggers the USB connected/disconnected noises, but it's unresponsive to LCDC or the like.

At some point between ordering and installing, I mistakenly thought that I had purchased a PK202-24-USB, so I looked and looked and looked through the manual and couldn't find anything about a 12V power cable. To further complicate things, the PCB on the back of the display is a LK202-24-USB r1.6. I'm sure that using the 12V cable has voided my warranty, but I'm wondering what kind of repairs can be done with this thing to save the expense of replacing it completely. I took a pic of the back to show the burn mark on the micro-controler label (V1.2).

Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
DSCF2817.JPG (50.24 KiB) Viewed 3968 times

Matrix Orbital
Matrix Orbital
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Post by Miles »

Hi ehrnam45,

That you for posting on our forums. Please contact me at and we can discuss some RMA issues. We will see what we can do!! :D
Miles Y.
Head of Technical Support
Product Manager
Matrix Orbital

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